We should start the year off on the right foot by doing an in-depth study of everybody’s favorite NFL Cheerleaders – the Carolina Panthers Cheerleaders.
They are known as the Topcats, and they always cheer at the Bank of America Stadium when the Panthers play. There are 25 ladies, and they range in age from 21 to 33 years old. Let’s run through them really quick in alphabetical order:
Ashley Beasley – Grad Student in Raleigh
Candis Halligan – Student in Fayetteville
Courtney Aldredge – Disney Entertainment
Cynthia English – Grad Student in Charlotte
Eiesha Williamson – Charlotte Entrepreneur
Erin Donovan – Grad student in Raleigh
Jenny Baker – Student in Charlotte
Jessie Fife – Dance school owner
Katie Birkbichler – marketing director
Katie Guthrie – Graphic designer
Kiswuana Green – dance instructor
Kristy Palmer – tax accountant
Laura Bebo – student in Charlotte
Laura Ruble – science teacher in Durham
LeAnne Thornburg – Student from Roxboro
Lindsey Yoder – automation engineer
Marissa Acker – fitness instructor
Megan Eager – brand ambassador
Myra Aznar – graphic designer
Rachel Hinson – Graduate student from Kannapolis
Samantha Vonsiatsky – figure skater
Shannon Phillips – ballet director
Shelby Williams – project coordinator
Stacey Sanderson – pharmaceutical sales
These 25 ladies were selected from almost 150 applicants. Hey, this is no cakewalk. They man not be out there slamming helmets like the football players, or even vaulting into the sky like college cheerleaders. They are more a dance team and a pep rally. But they are all athletic, and many of them have been sporty chicks from a very young age. Most are fantastic role models, and 100% are great entertainers.
Some other cute cheerleaders…