Alea Suarez

The Europa Super Show in 2011 was a gigantic event, one of if not the largest NPC event ever. Alea Suarez managed to place 6th in the figure competition. (Heather Dees was the 4th place winner.) It has been a long evolution for Alea.

She is a certified personal trainer, but that just demonstrates her roots. She started out as an aerobics instructor, and eventually – after having three kids – she began competing in bikini in 2009. She ended up winning the 2009 NPC Texas State Bikini Championships. She then transitioned into figure competitions, and earned her Pro card.

Alea was born in San Diego California, but now lives in Texas. She has a very diverse ethnic background that includes Cherokee and Apache Indian, German, French, English, and Mexican. She says her jump from bikini to figure involved a much more detailed and careful approach to her training, diet, and supplementation. Speaking of which, she recently inked a deal with a supplement company called Fahrenheit Nutrition. They say they signed her more for her off-stage personality and role-model potential than for her winning weighs and stunning looks.

No word on where Alea plans to compete in 2012, but apparently this gal is on her way up. Expect a few more medals and trophies to be collected as she hones her figure and her strategies. Adela Garcia is now Alea’s coach, that is one dynamic duo.